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抽取码: 9dw9
译者: Nick Douglas
出版社: It Books
书名: Brilliance in 140 Characters or Less
出版发行年: 2009-09-01
字数: 176
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New York Magazine proclaims, "Twitter is the hot web company right now...the Next Big Thing;" the New York Times calls it "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet;" Time magazine claims "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app;" and Newsweek notes that "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world′s a-twitter." Since its creation in March 2006, Twitter has unleashed a torrent of self-expression from its six million members around the world, who send and read each others′ "tweets," messages up to 140 characters in length. Friends use the site to make plans; relatives use it to stay connected; politicians use it to lobby for votes; and humorists use it to perfect their craft. In fact, Twitter users have reinvented the classic medium of the witticism in a site where anyone can be a Dorothy Parker or an Oscar Wilde. Twitter Wit is the first compilation of Twitter aphorisms, with submissions ranging from quotidian vignettes like "I bet in Sweden the Ikea instructions are in English" to bumper sticker-type quips like "I think the bird of love is the dove. My husband thinks it′s the swallow," and contributors ranging from celebrities like Shaquille O′Neal, Jimmy Fallon, Penn Jillette, John Cleese, and Steven Fry to regular people with previously unappreciated sharp tongues. Featuring a foreword by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, this authorized anthology of the thousand most most clever and memorable "tweets" relates the diversity of human experience in hilarious bite-sized pieces.
《纽约杂志》宣称:“Twitter现在是热门的网络公司…… 《纽约时报》称其为“互联网上增长最快的现象之一;” 《时代》杂志称“Twitter正在成为下一个杀手级应用领域程序”;《新闻周刊》指出“突然间,似乎全世界都变成了Twitter。” 自2006年3月创建以来,Twitter在世界各地的600万用户中释放出了一股自我表达的洪流,他们互相发送和阅读最长为140个字符的“tweet”信息。 朋友们利用该网站制定计划; 亲戚们用它来保持联系; 政客们用它来游说选票; 幽默家用它来完善他们的技艺。 事实上,Twitter用户已经重新创造了经典的幽默媒介,在那个网站上,任何典的宜家指南是英文的”,也有贴纸式的俏皮话,比如“我认为爱情之鸟是鸽子”。 从沙奎尔·奥尼尔、吉米·法伦、佩恩·吉列特、约翰·克里斯和史蒂文·弗莱等名人到以前不受欢迎的尖利舌头的普通人,都有撰稿。 以Twitter联合创始人比兹·斯通(Biz Stone)的前言为特色,这本经授权的收录了数千条最聪明、最令人难忘的“推文”的文集,以滑稽的小片段讲述了人类体验的多样性。
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